Urgent Signs of the Days of Noah: What They Mean for the End Times.
Signs of the Days of Noah: What They Mean for the End Times.
“But about that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Mark 13:32).
We do not know the specific point of time when our Savior will return to take us to His Father’s house and then come back with the saints to reign as King for a thousand years on this earth. Though only the Father knows the exact timing, we have some clues from the Scriptures. Jesus explained that His coming would be like the days of Noah and Lot. So, we must not fail to know that the Signs of the Days of Noah are the urgent sign for us now. Therefore, by looking at what was happening during those days, we can gain insight into the signs of His coming.
How Were the Days of Noah and Lot?
During the days of Noah and Lot, people were living their lives, seemingly unconcerned about the judgment that was coming. As described in Luke 17:26–30, “They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, they bought and sold, they planted and built.” Jesus emphasized that life appeared normal until the flood came in Noah’s time and fire rained down in Lot’s time.
In both cases, the people ignored God’s warnings and lived according to their desires. This state of indifference and sinfulness is crucial for us to understand because it parallels our modern age. What do you see today that compares to those days?
A Warning for Our Time
Today, the world mirrors the behaviors and attitudes of Noah’s and Lot’s generations. While we hear gospel preaching from trained and godly men, witness miracles, and read the Scriptures, many people live as though God is secondary or irrelevant.
This contradiction between hearing God’s Word and living a life disconnected from it reveals a key issue: we do not fully believe or prioritize God over the things we love. Many treated God more likely as a companion or adviser than the Lord. This mindset is a direct reflection of the apathy and rebellion seen in those earlier times.
Comparing Sins Then and Now
What kind of sins were practiced in Noah’s and Lot’s time? Were they so different from the sins of today? The answer is no. At all times, humans sin by choosing to follow their desires over God’s will.
Even actions that seem good on the surface may displease God if they stem from self-will rather than obedience. Singing worship songs, lifting hands, or even shedding tears are unacceptable to God unless they do it wholeheartedly. God looks at the heart, not outward appearances.
The Danger of Ignoring God
When we disobey God by following our desires, we risk crossing the boundary of His patience. As Hebrews 9:27 reminds us, “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” The people in Noah’s time followed their desires until the flood came, and those in Lot’s time did the same until fire fell from heaven.
However, God’s grace was absolute for those who clung to His Word. God saved Noah and his family because they obeyed, just as God saved Lot and his family because they listened to His warning. The key lesson is that salvation comes to those who turn to God wholeheartedly but not temporarily.
The Call to Repentance
God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked. As Ezekiel 33:11 says, “As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that they turn from their ways and live.”
Repentance means turning away from sin and aligning our hearts, minds, and lives with God’s will. This is not just about avoiding harm to others; it’s about submitting every aspect of our lives to God. What He calls good is truly good, and what He calls bad is truly bad.
Now is the time to examine ourselves and make a decisive turn toward God. His tender call can fade out at any moment, and delaying repentance can have eternal consequences.
Preparing for the Coming of the Lord
The signs like in the days of Noah are a wake-up call for believers to prepare for Christ’s return. This preparation involves living a life of obedience, faith, and vigilance.
How to Be Ready:
- Cling to God’s Word: Like Noah and Lot, those who remain faithful to God’s Word will find salvation.
- Seek a Heart Transformation: Worship and service to God must come from a transformed heart.
- Share the Gospel: The urgency of these signs should inspire us to reach out to others with the message of salvation.
God’s call is one of love and urgency. As His followers, we must heed this call and encourage others to do the same.
A Final Reflection
The signs like those in Noah’s day, remind us that God’s judgment is certain, but so is His mercy. As we observe these signs in our time we must not become complacent. The Lord’s patience is an opportunity for repentance, not a reason for delay.
Let us respond to God’s call with humility and faith, knowing His return will come suddenly, as in Noah’s and Lot’s days. We must choose obedience, seek repentance, and live with eternity in mind today because the signs of Noah’s days will be revealed soon.
Conclusion: May the Lord use this message to bring glory to His name and lead many to salvation. Do not wait, for it is urgent that His tender voice may soon be fading out. So, take heart of the signs of the days of Noah.